US Supreme Court Cases Validating Private Domain:

Hale versus Henkel - no private citizen “owes any duty or obligation to his state or his neighbor to disclose his private business”

NAACP versus Alabama - “no authority to demand any internal documents of any private association”

Thomas versus Collins - ‘domains set apart…for free assembly’

Baird versus Arizona – The right to association per the 1st Amendment creates a ‘preserve’

Pierce versus Society of Sisters –
The private domain is referred to as "a sanctuary from unjustified interference by the state"

Roberts versus United States - The private domain is called a “constitutional shelter’.

The private domain is referred to as a “shield’.

Federal & State Constitutional Rights

1st Amendment: freedom of speech and assembly

4th Amendment: freedom of unreasonable Search and Seizures

5th Amendment: due Process be part of any denial of Life, Liberty or Property

9th Amendment: Inalienable Rights to All – every man, woman and child

14th Amendment: Associate in the Private Domain outside the jurisdiction, venue and authority of federal and or state agencies

Predator Protection

'Clear and Present Danger of Substantial Evil'.

Founding Documents of Unincorporate Association

Unincorporated Founding Documents

1) Articles of Association – Type of business, responsibilities of trustees.
2) Certification of Execution – Implementation of PMA.
3) Charter/Bylaws - Fundamental rules by which to govern itself.
4) Membership Application – Individual acknowledgement to participate in service or product.

Circumvention Around Legal is Not the Answer

Simplicity is often difficult to comprehend- Protect and Assert Liberties!

Uproot Timeless Truth!

Understand limited jurisdictional boundaries established in the US Constitution